
Barrel Communications

Rain Barrel is a dynamic and diverse network of socially and environmentally conscious communicators. They can enhance your brand, partnerships, communication initiatives and campaigns, anywhere in the world. Using an evidence-based approach, they help you think through your communication objectives, strategies and plans, co-create campaigns with targeted stakeholders, and connect you with effective media and community partners.


Long-Term Assistance and Services for Research – Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine

LASER PULSE is a USAID-funded program promoting collaboration between university researchers and development practitioners from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and the private sector. It is also a connection point for researchers and development practitioners who are members of its online network.  This network is a searchable database of registered users – intended to be a resource for researchers and practitioners to find each other to pursue opportunities to collaborate. All development researchers and practitioners are welcome to join the LASER PULSE Network.